
Timeline overviews

In Chronological Order

Ascension of Christ

Age of the Church

Rapture of the Church

Seven Year Tribulation Period

This period has 3 parts

  1. The Beginning of Sorrows – 3½ years
  2. Desecration of the Temple
  3. The Great Tribulation – 3½ years

Second Coming of Christ

The Millenial Reign of Christ

God's Final Judgement

Eternal State

In Chronological Order

Ascension of Christ

Age of the Church

Seven Year Tribulation Period

This period has 4 parts

  • The Beginning of Sorrows – First 3½ years

Rapture of the Church

  • Desecration of the Temple
  • The Great Tribulation – Last 3½ years

Second Coming of Christ

The Millenial Reign of Christ

God's Final Judgement

Eternal State

In Chronological Order

Ascension of Christ

Age of the Church

Seven Year Tribulation Period

This period has 3 parts

  • The Beginning of Sorrows – 3½ years
  • Desecration of the Temple
  • The Great Tribulation – 3½ years

Rapture of the Church & Second Coming of Christ

The Millenial Reign of Christ

God's Final Judgement

Eternal State